
God left the world unfinished, placed man in it unskilled.
He left the voltage in the clouds, the sands with oil filled.
He left the rivers running wild, untamed with power leaping,
The cities waiting to be built, the pregnant forest sleeping.

Raw nature was the gift he gave to strengthen man – not soften,
To sweat man’s brow, to sear his soul, to test and try him often.
What will you find? What will you build? What mystery uncover?
The will of God, the role of man – all waiting to discover.

-Doug Garrett

The Promise

For so long the land lay waiting, undisturbed until that day,
When their footsteps crashed like thunder, bringing dreams from seas away.
Like great waves they filled the forests. Onward as a mighty flood.
Steel rails reaching for horizons, gripping sleepy prairie mud.

As they filtered through the mountains, as they plowed the eager earth, 
A vision burned within their hearts – a nation was in birth.
They built with strong traditions, they dreamed upon their youth,
This nation of the future: A nation built on truth.

Tell me brother, tell me sister, are you not the ones they bore?
Are you not the ones they witnessed that made their spirits soar?
They left for you a nation, they sowed you in this land.
They put these gifts of nature into your waiting hand.

Have you seen the nations wealthy standing on the nations poor?
Longed for strong and righteous leaders to keep crisis from our door?
We now face the troubled future. Hope’s not vested in the weak.
You were born to keep a promise. It is you they search and seek.

Hush your chatter, pause your laughter, still your hands from noisy toil.
Hear the sound the soft wind whispers, bringing voices from the soil.
Wake up, wake up, its urges. Claim your legacy and land.
Faith will fill your heart with courage. God will guide your trembling hand.

-Doug Garrett

Modern Pioneer Reality

This poem was written in 1965 when I packed up my family and moved from Montreal, Quebec to Calgary, Alberta Canada. We truly felt like pioneers moving our way west to make a new home.

Oh pity the Western bound stranger, with sunburned and leathery face.
Whose eyes gleam of hope and adventure to be found in that faraway place.
Just like a pioneer he travels, but now it is for frolic and fun,
As he steers his chrome studded wagon, his camera replacing his gun.

Now behold, oh misguided observer. See the bumps on his weather tanned face.
And note how vigorously he scratches, black fly bites all over the place.
And see how he stares ahead proudly, hand shading his brow firm and strong.
The look is not proud, its desperation –  as he searches in vain for a John. 

-Doug Garrett