Anomalous Anomalies

Definition of Ignorance: A state of mind in which, when you are in it, you are the last to know.

Definition of Arrogance: A state of mind in which you do everything within your power to convince everyone you know, how ignorant you are.

Definition of Pride: A state of mind in which you have both ignorance and arrogance simultaneously.

Definition of Humility: The only known cure for the most common of human maladies, ignorance, arrogance, and pride. It is found in abundance and can be consumed in its natural state. Consumer reports indicate however, it has the least effect on those who are known to be suffering from ignorance, arrogance or pride. 

– Doug Garrett


How do we become successful?
Answer in 2 words: Right choices.

How do we learn to make right choices?
Answer in 2 words: Gain Experience.

How do we gain Experience?
Answer in 2 words: Wrong choices. 

– Doug Garrett


Experience changes our thinking.
Thinking changes our behaviour.
Behaviour changes our success.
Success changes our choices.
Our choices determine who we become.

– Doug Garrett


“You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.”
A horse will only drink when he is thirsty.

If you want to make a horse drink, first make him thirsty – 
Then he will come to the water by himself.

You do not have to make a thirsty horse drink.


– Doug Garrett