My Forever Friend

Doug and Shirley (February 2022)

Hello, my Forever friend. It’s just lonely me, again. 
You’re on my mind it seems, and in my dreams. 
Your face still lingers, slips through my fingers,
I try to make it stay. Heaven’s just too far away. 

The paths we walked, arms interlocked, hands grasped.
We’d joke, you knew before I spoke, what I would ask.
Your voice, your touch, I miss them, oh, so much.
There is no sound when you are not around.

Once in a crowd, I called out loud, nothing mattered. 
People stared, they were scared, so they scattered. 
I didn’t care. I saw you there, why could they not? 
It meant so much, the sweet tranquility you brought.

You were called to leave. I was left to grieve, 
The honour’s mine, do not pine, just let it be. 
Grief, noblest show of love, show I unto thee. 
I’ll wait for you, you for me, My Forever Friend. 

Douglas Garrett

The Major Difference: The Plan of Salvation

The major difference between what we teach (in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and what is taught in other Christian churches is The Plan of Salvation.

There are 3 pillars upon which The Plan of Salvation stands:

1. The Creation of the Earth
This pillar has to do with the purpose and reason for man’s existence, his relationship to God as his Father, and the reason for his trials and temptations.

2. The Fall 
No one fully understands why we need Christ until they understand the effects the fall of Adam had upon mankind. This is known as spiritual death.

3. The Redemption
Without the atonement of Christ there is no way we, as fallen spirits in a fallen world, could by ourselves return unto the presence of God The Father.

Before the knowledge of The Plan of Salvation was restored, there was confusion between the roles of Grace (what Christ has done for our salvation) and Works (what we must do for our own salvation).

Once this plan is understood, the power of salvation can become a powerful force for changing our behaviour and motivating us to help ourselves by helping others to become more perfect.

The Lord taught… “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.” Matthew 13: 45-46

The rich young man asked the Saviour what he must yet do to gain eternal life...
“…sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.” Luke 18: 22 

King Lamoni’s Father implored…
“What shall I do that I may have this Eternal life of which thou hast spoken? Behold, I will give up all that I possess, yea I will forsake my Kingdom that I may receive this great joy.” Alma 22: 15 

The king was not asked to do that. He was only asked to change  and become a new man (repent), covenant with God (baptism)  and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost (learn about God and be obedient to his commands).

What must I do to have eternal life? (Luke 18: 18)

That question is asked again and again in the scriptures, and each time it is answered in a different way depending on the individual.

The scriptures should be likened unto ourselves. That query is like a self-direction/correction question. We should be asking it often, especially as regarding our:

1. Understanding of the gospel.
2. Social standing among our fellowmen.
3. Spiritual standing in the Kingdom of God.
4. Willingness to have love and compassion.
5. Willingness to serve, or give, all we have to God.

The personal answer will change from time to time, according to our changing circumstances. But there is wisdom in asking oneself that question — and asking it frequently.

If we do so, it will become the major difference in our lives too. The question will become a course-correcting compass guiding us back, step by step, to our home with Our Heavenly Father.

-Doug Garrett