The Promise

For so long the land lay waiting, undisturbed until that day,
When their footsteps crashed like thunder, bringing dreams from seas away.
Like great waves they filled the forests. Onward as a mighty flood.
Steel rails reaching for horizons, gripping sleepy prairie mud.

As they filtered through the mountains, as they plowed the eager earth, 
A vision burned within their hearts – a nation was in birth.
They built with strong traditions, they dreamed upon their youth,
This nation of the future: A nation built on truth.

Tell me brother, tell me sister, are you not the ones they bore?
Are you not the ones they witnessed that made their spirits soar?
They left for you a nation, they sowed you in this land.
They put these gifts of nature into your waiting hand.

Have you seen the nations wealthy standing on the nations poor?
Longed for strong and righteous leaders to keep crisis from our door?
We now face the troubled future. Hope’s not vested in the weak.
You were born to keep a promise. It is you they search and seek.

Hush your chatter, pause your laughter, still your hands from noisy toil.
Hear the sound the soft wind whispers, bringing voices from the soil.
Wake up, wake up, its urges. Claim your legacy and land.
Faith will fill your heart with courage. God will guide your trembling hand.

-Doug Garrett

Nephi’s Lament

Based on: 2 Nephi: 28-35
Set to the music of: You Raise Me Up

Awake my soul, no longer droop in sin. Slack not thy pace because of faults therein.
Rejoice my heart and cry unto the Lord. Give place for him and waken to his word.

Lest I give room for evil in my heart, destroyer of my peace from me depart.
I’ll not embrace the scorn of pressing foes; The gates of righteousness to these will close.

My God, my rock, forever be my might. Upon the wings of truth my soul take flight.
No more the groaning of my heart dissuade, nor lead me from my promises hence made.

-Doug Garrett

Addiction Recovery: Part 3

Danger Signs and Coping Skills

God made us a promise:
“I give unto men weaknesses that they may be humble and my Grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me, for if they humble themselves before me and have faith in me, then will I make weak things strong unto them.” (Ether 12: 27)

We can receive that promised blessing if we sincerely want to.

First find, learn and practice coping skills. They will be your strength while you are vulnerable. Addicts do not heal alone. Isolation contributes to their problem by allowing them to act out their fantasies. They need to get involved with others that are traveling the same road and they need that input to find healing. 

Give your trusted friends permission to confront you if you are slipping or exposing yourself to any dangerous behaviours. Make a list for you friends to follow when it happens. Keep a copy in your pocket to follow also. Here are a few do’s and don’ts.

1/ Don’t become over confident. 
2/ Don’t flirt with being just a little untruthful.
3/ Saying “I can handle this,” is a sure indicator you can’t.
4/ Don’t forget how much work it took to get where you are because it’s harder to get there again if you have to start all over. 
5/ It’s impossible to indulge “just temporarily.” 
6/ Missing your old life style always sounds good until you remember your old life “problems.”
7/ When you are having a bad day, find someone who is having one that’s worse and help them.
8/ It’s hard to live a healthy life style if you are not a healthy distance from your old life style.
9/ Keep the personal conversation in your head positive if you expect positive behaviour.
10/ Celebrate your new life birthday anniversary often.
11/ Remember why you are struggling. 
12/ Your best thinking got you in trouble, remember? Don’t rely on it to get you out of trouble by trying again to do it by yourself. 
13/ When you lapse, take responsibility. Learn from your weakness, plan a new strategy and continue.
14/ Don’t believe your own lies. Your addiction has many voices.
15/ Recommit every day until you live your commitment every day.

– Doug Garrett