One By One

Words and Music by Doug Garrett,  Music arranged by Donald A Garrett

In the quiet of the soul he teaches one by one,
By his still small voice he teaches, reaches one by one.
Touch his feet, touch his side. See how once he died,
For us, for us, to save us one by one.

A mighty storm arises, see the wind. As it sears my heart and causes doubts therein,
My trembling shoulders get crushed to the ground, by angry taunting voices all around.

Though strength is gone and confidence is torn, I rise and turn my face towards the storm.
My weakness seems to rob me of all choice. When all seems lost, its then I hear his voice.

He knows me by my name, I’m not alone. I have the strength to find my way back home.
And when I do, we’ll meet as face-to-face, I’ll hear his voice again as we embrace.

In the quiet of the soul he teaches one by one,
By his still small voice he teaches, reaches one by one.
Touch his feet, touch his side. See how once he died,
For us, for us, to save us one by one.

-Doug Garrett