Marriage is a Butterfly

When you see a butterfly, you see a jewel of God’s creations. Magnified against the blue sky or flashed against the green meadow, its mere existence catches your attention and your breath. It focuses your vision instantly by its singular rarity.

It was not created in a night of fantasy, nor is it the product of serendipitous experimentation. Long and purposeful has it been in the making. From a lowly, unpretentious beginning to its magnificent sense of purpose, is has been molded to protect itself from even the coldest and boldest of foes, and thus has it emerged. Determination has been its source of tempered elasticity. Strength has been the forger’s gift. Do not be fooled by so fragile its appearance nor its seemingly goalless flight. Not by these things has its laurels been won. Neither by one single sighting can a flawless judgment be rendered of its success. It is a work still in progress.

Its journey is long and perilous, the route precise, its purpose exact, even Eternal. Yet, if left to discover its own way, it will flourish, and all that was ascribed to it by its maker will be attained and its seemingly minuscule mandate, fulfilled.

When you see a strong and fruitful marriage, you see a jewel of God’s creations. Magnified against the chaos of man’s vanity and feeble follies, or flashed against his ever changing, self-liberating norms, its mere existence catches your attention and your breath. It focuses your vision instantly by its singular rarity.

It was not invented in a night of passion, nor is it the product of serendipitous experimentation. Long and purposeful has it been in the making. From a lowly, unpretentious beginning to its sense of purpose, it has been molded to protect itself from even the coldest and boldest of foes, and thus it has emerged. Determination has been its source of tempered elasticity. Strength has been its forger’s gift. Do not be fooled by so fragile its appearance nor its seemingly goalless flight. Not by these things has its laurels been won. Neither by one single sighting can a flawless judgment be rendered of its success. It is a work still in progress.

Its journey is long, and perilous, the route precise, its purpose exact even Eternal. Yet, if left to discover its own way, it will flourish and all that was ascribed to it by its maker, will be attained and its cosmic consequences, fulfilled.

Doug Garrett