The Little Red Hen Rap

“Who will help me to make some bread?”
“Not me Hen Mother, I feel half dead.”
“Out of sight cool chick,” said Ol’ Hen Mother,
“I guess I’ll have to find another.”

So off she went through the Barn Yard City,
Until she met a real wild kitty.
“Hey Cool Cat, I’ve got some dough,
Needs a little like, kneading though?”

“How about you and me together,
Fling your fur while I flap my feather?”
Get lost Mumsie, I read you clear,
But I ain’t got time for working here.

“Got a red hot band with a far out tune.”
So cat checked out that afternoon.
Then she saw a big old cow.
“Help. Help Milk Maiden like, I mean right now.”

“I got this flour that’s high on yeast,
I’m just about ready to make a feast.
But I need some muscle to pull and push,
Cause the scene right now is flat, white mush.”

“I’d love to help you Feathered Lady,
But it just so happens I’m getting ready
For a dairy meeting in Saskatoon –
Some cow tried jumping over the moon.”

“I’ve got to get some compensation.”
With that, Red Hen packed the conversation.
Back to the kitchen all by herself,
She took the white mush off the shelf,

Set to with all her might and main,
Wretched her back, gave her neck a sprain, 
But finally the loaves were in the larder.
Mother Hen just couldn’t go farther.

“Hey, Hey! Hen Mother, what’s that I smell?
You’re a real bread swinger, I hear tell.
From the look of that bread, I’m just in time,
To ease that hunger pain of mine.”

Back on the veranda came a soft “ Meow,”
“I wouldn’t miss this scene no how.
How about bringing my band inside,
While we try this dough that Mumsie fried?”

Now old Milk Maiden made the scene,
“Our Milk Board members would turn bright green
If I brought them some of this invention,
to liven up their Milk convention.”

“Now hold on, Ethel,” cried Ol’ Red Hen.
She raised her voice and she said again,
“You girls drive me to complete distraction,
Where were y’all when I needed action?”

“You don’t fool me, cause I know the score,
So you better help out, a whole lot more!
Cook Chick, you come off that wall,
And lay a dozen, Grade A Small.

And cat, start up your band quartet,
And we just might do some swinging yet.
You gotta spin before you get to wear silk.”
“She’s right,” said cow. “Here’s a gallon of milk.”

So they all got fed, cause they each took part,
Each gave what little they could impart.
They remembered the lesson of Ol’ Hen Mother:
Work goes best with one another .

-Doug Garrett