Waiting For Mail on Your Mission

(There is nothing worse, when you are far away, than hearing no news from home. That lonely feeling inspired this poem.)

Write a letter, big or small. Just one letter. One. That’s all. 
If you fear to write at all, then just phone and make a call.
We’ve been waiting since last fall, I really don’t know why the stall.
Even if it’s Alberta drawl, scratch a scratch, scrawl a scrawl.

Raise a ruckus, scream a squall, write graffiti on my wall.
Entertain or plain enthrall. Throw a punch, start a brawl.
There must be something you recall. Something big, something small.
Mailmen now refuse to crawl through the webs that drape the hall.
My mail box I must re-install, If I’m to get my mail at all.

Or better yet, here’s what to do. 
Send future mail to Kathmandu,
Now, now, friends, don’t pout or bawl.
It can’t be worse in quaint Nepal

  • Doug Garrett