My Elf/Self

Starkle, starkle, little twink,
How I wonder why we think?
High above this earthly state,
Where do thoughts originate?
Brilliant thoughts that fire the brain,
Shameful thoughts that sear like flame.

I have this voice that loves debates.
He’s in my head, articulates
All alone or in a crowd,
Mostly quiet, sometimes loud.
Alter ego? Spirit self ?
Who designed this meddling elf?

Here in utter solitude,
Between ourselves we always feud.
Analyzing all the facts,
He sorts my fantasy from facts.
Sometimes losing, sometimes win.
I’m forever giving in.

From all these seeming random views,
Carefully I pick and choose.
Some I think are really clever,
Some I’d never think, no never.
But if I ever think to lie,
He never with me would comply.

It’s always him who takes the lead,
Its always me who does the deed.
I’m the one whose always caught,
He’s always making sure he’s not.
He thinks that I should take the blame.
Why can’t we ever think the same?

I suspect someday I’ll know,
Face-to-face. Toe-to-toe.
At last I’d finally get to meet
This elf, I never got to beat.
What hilarious irony
If that little elf is me!

Twinkle, little star, I find
I’m glad my little elf’s is mine.
He’s the one who stands between
Me and God and keeps me clean.
If with God I get to be,
I ‘ll bet it ’cause my elf’s with me.

-Doug Garrett

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