Becoming Perfect is Like Making Diamonds

The Diamond is one of the hardest materials that is found in nature. To cut, reshape or polish a diamond then, requires tools and methods that are gruff enough, and tough enough to make the required changes. But most critical of all to the process is the skill of the Master Diamond cutter. Without that great skill, the Diamond could be sheared, cracked or rendered less valuable. It could be completely shattered altogether if the hand of the Master should make a mistake or an incorrect cut. It is his skill, experience, unwavering hand and eye that in the end unlock and reveal the beautiful gleaming diamond that only he knows is there.

Everyone has seen a finished diamond with its smooth, round, polished surface reflecting brilliant shafts of pure light from its multiple cut symmetric edges. But if you were to search for such distinguished and desirable gems in the open pits of kimberlite ore bodies and lamproite pipe systems of long dead volcanoes in the corrosive magma where they’ re found in nature, you would not be able to find anything at all that resembles them. These rough diamonds that are located there, are dirty, rough, uneven, reflect little light and look to be of little or no value to anyone. What it takes for a diamond in the rough to metamorphose into a beautiful Diamond of great value, is a process called “Polishing and cutting”.

The Master that created us knew that if we were to be more than Diamonds in the rough, with our great potential, talents and capacities still hidden by imperfections, dirty grim and rough edges that could not reflect light, then we too would have to go through a process that would remove our impurities, scale off the clinging deeply etched habits and the corrosive and toxic attitudes that we had embraced through ignorance and fleshy desires. This life is a process that we go through under the hand of the Master Polisher and cutter to bring out, reveal and expose what even we did not know was there. By resisting the will, experience and guiding hand of the Master, we run the possibility of being sheared, cracked, chipped, reduced in value, or shattered all together.

On the other hand, from our most inner soul, can come a gem of such exquisite beauty and value that even we will agree, the difficult buffetings, the oppositions and the cuttings, were in the end, well worth the while.

Doug Garrett

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